Washington DC Photographer - Azaleas - National Arboretum
Have I mentioned how much I love spring? In the DC area one thing after another blooms, it's such a beautiful time of year! Coming a little early this year are the azaleas. Being from the south, I have a fondness for azaleas which are often accompany my favorite tree, the live oak (those trees that are usually "decorated" with Spanish moss). The main difference is that in the south you almost always see the largest of the azalea flowers and they are color coordinated much better - you don't see reds and pinks and oranges planted next to each other like you do here! The azalea collection at the National Arboretum is just stunning with colors and sizes not found anywhere else. Here are a few pictures from last week in case you haven't been able to go visit them in person. Enjoy!
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